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Training and Certification

Become a Certified Protege Installer

Our training program is aimed at developing a community of certified professionals, and providing organizations with the opportunity to ensure their staff are fully trained and proficient in the implementation of ICT products and the Protege software.

Benefits of Certification

Certification provides your organization with recognition of your skills and knowledge. It also gives our users peace of mind in the knowledge that ICT qualified professionals are responsible for the installation, implementation, management and administration of their Protege systems and ICT products.

Types of Learning

Whether you prefer the flexibility of self-paced online training, or the structure and interaction of an instructor-led classroom course, there’s an option to suit you. 

Web-based / Online Classroom

We understand that traditional classroom training can be inflexible and  inconvenient. With clients of their own to take care of, not everyone can afford to take the time away from the office or to train all technicians at once. Likewise, everybody is unique with their own level of knowledge and learning style, and the pace in a classroom environment does not always suit everyone.

So we’ve taken the ‘in’ out and developed the very flexible and convenient ICT Online Classroom. One of the major benefits of the Online Classroom is that you can fit it around your work schedule.

Instructor Led Training

Online training is not for everyone and we appreciate that some people prefer the structure and interaction offered in a conventional classroom environment. We still run face-to-face classroom training enabling you to cover the same material in one concise course and under the expert guidance of one of our knowledgeable trainers.

With a much greater focus on real world scenarios, our facilitated courses allow technicians to get their hands on the product and become confident in installing and maintaining ICT systems.

We run regular courses throughout the year, either at our facilities or via Zoom. We can even bring our training course to your premises to save travel costs and downtime for your technicians. 

Protege Training Kits

Protege training kits enable you to enhance your integration skills and participate in practical assessments with minimal physical hardware. An excellent sales tool, the kits can also be used to demonstrate the functionality of the system or used as a test bench by technicians.

Courses Available

We have a variety of courses and certifications available. If you've signed up on our website already, just click the links below to get started. If you haven't, register now to get started.

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