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Low Level Elevator Integration

Low Level Elevator Integration is available across the Protege software range and enables cost effective access control of almost any elevator system, regardless of age or capability.

Basic elevator control is commonly achieved by installing a card reader in each elevator car. When a user badges their card at the card reader, the floors that they have access to are unlocked for a short period of time. During this time, the user is able to select a floor.

Key Features.

  • An event is logged showing when access was granted to a user
  • Destination reporting can be implemented, which records which floor a user selected

  • As well as controlling access to floors, elevator control allows the scheduled unlocking of a floor. When used in conjunction with destination reporting, this also allows:

    • Prevention of scheduled unlocking until the first person arrives (late to open)
    • Unlocking when the floor area is disarmed
    • Preventing access if the floor area is armed


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